Aspects of the OSX environment that are of interest to security practitioners
The setup of open-source Sliver C2 framework to exploit Macbooks via an implant
Trickbot malware framework analysis and write up
Digital forensics and the volatility framework
The lifecycle of incident response with triaging and analysis fully explained
Elastic Stack system based on BRO logging detailed
Windows Server WEF configuration explained clearly within one piece
A detailed breakdown article written on Monero mining and crypto-jacking
BRO aka ZEEK logging on a SPAN network setup explained
An implementation of encom globe to display Geo IP data of C&C intelligence
A summary of the benefits of LAN network segmentation
A breakdown of the Cisco device VSTACK vulnerability and its exploitation
Shodan DORKS explained and listed
A rundown of all presentations and talks from a 2018 summit
RPF/Access list/IP Spoofing prevention
E01 image inevistation and supertimeline creation with KAPE