Next check the partition scheme of the disk using the command mmls from package ''sleuthkit''. Once you have the E01 image you can mount this using the ewfmount Linux command from package ''ewftools''.
$ mkdir win_mount
$ mount -o ro,loop,show_sys_files,streams_interface=windows ewf1 /mnt/evidence/ewf1 /mnt/win_mount
Use timescanner or to create file fimeline, through recursively scanning directories and writing a csv file. Add the plaso-tools package to have this. Once you have the E01 image you can mount this using the ewfmount Linux command from package ''ewftools''.
$ sudo dnf install python-plaso plaso-tools
$ -z UTC -–parsers “win7,-filestat” /tmp/plaso-2.dump IMAGEDDISK.E01
Followed by
$ -z “UTC” -o L2tcsv plaso-2.dump “date > ‘2018-04-01 00:00:00’ AND date < ‘2019-04-20 23:59:00’” -w plaso-0418-0419.csv
Now analyse the timeline in ELK, Splunk or Excel for security events.
Once you have the E01 image you can mount this using the ewfmount Linux command from package ''ewftools''.
$ timescanner -d /mnt/win_mount -w /home/evidence/20160901_df01/timeline.csv
Now use regular searches for files or scalpel for file carving for hidden files in unallocated space. The scalpel.conf is important to configure to look for the file types to seek. Example config at bottom. Once you have the E01 image you can mount this using the ewfmount Linux command from package ''ewftools''.
scalpel workingcopy-usb.dd -o output
Scan the registry system hive files for items of interest, such as Windows/System32/config/SAM and <$USER>/NTUSER.DAT. Use the reglookup tool: https// install using the first command. This tool works on memory extracted DAT files too. Once you have the E01 image you can mount this using the ewfmount Linux command from package ''ewftools''.
$ rpm -Uvh cert-forensics-tools-release*rpm
$ reglookup ,,/mnt/win_mount/Users/Jeff_Bridges/NTUSER.DAT " | grep ,,U:"
$ reglookup -s -t DWORD NTUSER.DAT | grep Logon
Regripper a great tool for viewing hive data. Also Hivex reged used for viewing registry hives. Once you have the E01 image you can mount this using the ewfmount Linux command from package ''ewftools''.
$ –f ntuser −r windows\system32\config\NTUSER.DAT > out /sam.txt or SOFTWARE, SYSTEM, SECURITY
$ Yum install hivex
$ reged -e NTUSER.DAT
$ strings -a MEMORY-IMG.DMP > strings.txt
$ grep 'http:\/\/' strings.txt > http.txt
$ grep 'https:\/\/' strings.txt > https.txt
$ grep 'c:\\' strings.txt > paths.txt
Again scalpel can be used to extract the files. This is file carving. Once you have the E01 image you can mount this using the ewfmount Linux command from package ''ewftools''.
$ scalpel -o files/ -c scalpel.conf MEMORY-IMG2.DMP
Once this first pass over the disk is complete, Scalpel has a complete index of header and footer locations, used to populate ''work queues'' that control file carving operations during the second pass. For each ''file header'' in the index, an attempt is made to match the header with an appropriate footer, subject to rules in the configuration file. ''many filetypes contain no defined buffer'', this makes the processing of these manual. Formost file carving, like scalepl the /etc/foremost.conf file must be adjusted for file types. Once you have the E01 image you can mount this using the ewfmount Linux command from package ''ewftools''.
$ foremost -i MEMORY-IMG2.DMP -o foremost2/
If the file format has no footer a maximum file size is used in the carving program. Further guide : Use clamscan Linux AV to scan the carved files, it will highlight any malicious files. Once you have the E01 image you can mount this using the ewfmount Linux command from package ''ewftools''.
In scalpel results pdf directory for instance $ clamscan *
Volatility is powerful, among other things it can extract files '''by address offset''' and extract executables from memory samples. Perform Volatility inspection on an IMG dump obtained by DEFT. ''Linux Volatility package installs below.'' Once you have the E01 image you can mount this using the ewfmount Linux command from package ''ewftools''.
$ git clone
$ cd volatility/
$ sudo python install
$ sudo yum install pycrypto
$ sudo pip install distorm3
Obtain the file system info to then use as profile value with further commands. -f MEMORY-IMG2.DMP imageinfo
Obtain a file list for the memory dump. This will also contain the memory offsets for the files. pslist -f MEMORY-IMG2.DMP --profile=Win7SP0x64
Obtain a process listing for the memory dump malfind -f MEMORY-IMG2.DMP --profile=Win7SP0x64
Find injected code and dump sections related to malware pslist -f MEMORY-IMG2.DMP --profile=Win10x86_14393
Get process listing from memory capture, use proces numbers with -P on other modules psxview -f MEMORY-IMG2.DMP --profile=Win10x86_14393
find hidden processes during cross view, signs of a rootkit cmdscan -f MEMORY-IMG2.DMP --profile=Win10x86_14393
Get a timeline of user activity -f MEMORY-IMG2.DMP --profile=WinXPSP2x86 timeliner --output-file out.body --output=body
Obtain a user timeline dumpfiles -f MEMORY-IMG2.DMP -n -i -r \\.pdf --dump-dir=voldump
Get PDFs available from memory using REGEX cmdscan
List command line history of full run command line traces.